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Baptist, why and why not : twenty-five papers by twenty-five writers, and a declaration of faith / Introduction by J.M. Frost.
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Baptist, why and why not : twenty-five papers by twenty-five writers, and a declaration of faith / Introduction by J.M. Frost.
Nashville, Tenn. : Sunday School Board, Southern Baptist Convention, [1900]
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Distinctive Baptist way / Why the Bible and not other standards / Why Baptist and not Roman Catholic / Why Baptist and not Episcopalian / Why Baptist and not Presbyterian / Why Baptist and Not Campbellite / Why Baptism of Believers and not Infants / Why Immersion and not Sprinkling or Pouring / Why Baptism as Symbol and Not a Saving Ordinance / Why Close Communion and Not Open Communion / Why a Converted Church Membership / Why Sunday Schools In Baptist Churches / Why Missionary and Not Anti-Missionary / Why Missionary and Not "Omissionary" / Why Local Churches and Not State Church / Why Conventions of Baptist Churches / Why Education by Baptist Schools / Why Teach the Bible in Baptist Colleges / Why the Denominational Paper / Why Use Money for the Cause of Christ / Why the Baptist Doctrine / Why Loyalty to Baptist Principles / Why the Baptist Sentiment / Why Become a Baptist / A Declaration of Faith
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