Mathematics curriculum : issues, trends, and future directions / Barbara J. Reys, seventy-second Yearbook editor ; Robert E. Reys, seventy-second Yearbook editor ; Rheta Rubenstein, general Yearbook editor.
Mathematics curriculum : issues, trends, and future directions / Barbara J. Reys, seventy-second Yearbook editor ; Robert E. Reys, seventy-second Yearbook editor ; Rheta Rubenstein, general Yearbook editor.
Reston, VA : National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, [2010]
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General Note:
Accompanied by CD-ROM with additional readings that reflect trends and issues in the American and Canadian mathematics curriculum between 1843 and 1993.
Bibliography Note:
Includes bibliographical references.
I. Curriculum matters: looking back, looking forward -- 1. The current state of the school mathematics curriculum / Zalman Usiskin -- 2. Technology and the mathematics curriculum / James T. Fey, Richard M. Hollenbeck, Jonathan A. Wray -- 3. National standards: lessons from the past, directions for the future / Margaret E. Goertz -- 4. Recommendations for statistics and probability in school mathematics over the past century / Dustin Jones, James E. Tarr -- 5. Reflections on five decades of curriculum controversies / Stephen Willoughby -- II. The intended curriculum -- 6. What we teach is what students learn: evidence from national assessment / Peter Kloosterman, Crystal Walcott -- 7. Curriculum alignment in an era of standards and high-stakes testing / Shannon W. Dingman -- 8. Preschool mathematics curricula / Julie Sarama, Douglas H. Clements -- III. The written curriculum -- [Section A.] Curriculum development -- 9. Supporting focused and cohesive curricula through visual representations: an example from Japanese textbooks / Tad Watanabe, Akihiko Takahashi, Makoto Yoshida -- 10. Cross-national curriculum collaboration: examples based on realistic mathematics education / Margaret R. Meyer, Truus Dekker, Frank Eade -- 11. Three perspectives on the central objects of study for grades pre-K-8 statistics / Randall E. Groth -- 12. Designing curricula to expand and extend mathematical knowledge / Debra I. Johanning -- 13. Mathematics applied to curriculum development: lessons learned on the job / Al Cuoco [and others] -- [Section B.] Selection of textbooks -- 14. How do districts choose mathematics textbooks? / June Mark [and others] -- 15. Considerations in the review and adoption of mathematics textbooks / Rick A. Hudson, Paula Elmer Lahann, Jean S. Lee -- 16. Curriculum as a change agent: high schools that rise to the challenge and what they stand to gain / Kasi Allen-Fuller, Margaret Robinson, Eric Robinson -- IV. The implemented curriculum -- 17. Myths about curriculum implementation / Denisse R. Thompson, Sharon L. Senk -- 18. Technology and the teaching of mathematics / Richard M. Hollenbeck, Jonathan A. Wray, James T. Fey -- 19. Understanding teachers' strategies for supplementing textbooks / Corey Drake -- 20. Teachers' perspectives on fidelity of implementation to textbooks / Mary Ann Huntley, Kathryn Chval -- V. Impact of curriculum materials on students' and teachers' learning -- 21. Developing curricular reasoning for grades preK-12 mathematics instruction / M. Lynn Breyfogle, Amy Roth McDuffie, Kay A. Wohlhuter -- 22. Secondary school mathematics curriculum materials as tools for teachers' learning / Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Vanessa R. Pitts Bannister -- 23. Conducting mathematics curriculum research: challenges and insights / Paul Kehle, Kelly K. McCormick -- 24. The influence of curriculum on students' learning / Mary Kay Stein, Margaret S. Smith.
Contents of accompanying CD-ROM: An emerging program of secondary school mathematics / Max Beberman (1958) -- The teaching of geometry in its relation to the present educational trend / William Betz (1908) -- Meaning and skill: maintaining the balance / William A. Brownell (1956) -- What should high school geometry be? / Charles Buck (1968) -- Goals for mathematics instruction / R. Crieghton Buck (1965) -- Functions / R. Creighton Buck (1970) -- The role of computation in the changing mathematics curriculum / Terry. G. Coburn (1989) -- Program for college preparatory mathematics / Commission on Mathematics (1959) -- "Mathematics in the primary school" ; "Mathematics in the secondary school" ; "Mathematics in the sixth form" / Committee of Inquiry into the Teaching of Mathematics in Schools (1982) -- New goals for mathematical sciences education / Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences (1984) -- Mathematics for all: problems and implications / Peter Damerow and Ian Westbury (1985) -- The changing curriculum: mathematics / Robert B. Davis (1967) -- Algebraic systems / Richard A. Dean (1970) -- Basic skills in mathematics: a survey / Thomas Denmark and Henry Kepner, Jr. (1980) -- The psychological aspect of the school curriculum / John Dewey (1897) -- The child and the curriculum / John Dewey (1902) -- Goals for school mathematics: the report of the Cambridge Conference on School Mathematics / Educational Development Center (1963) -- The United States' NSF studies of mathematics education / James T. Fey (1980) -- How much of the content in mathematics textbooks is new? / James R. Flanders (1987) -- Do textbooks and tests define a national curriculum in elementary school mathematics? / Donald J. Freeman [and others] (1983) -- Why teach mathematics so as to be useful? / Hans Freudenthal (1968) -- Mathematics starting and staying in reality / Hans Freudenthal (1987) -- Number sense as situated knowing in a conceptual domain / James Greeno (1991) -- Mathematics education: reactionary regression or responsible reform? / Johnny Hill, William Rouse, and James Wesson (1979) -- Recommendations for school mathematics programs of the 1980s / Shirley A. Hill (1980) -- Current trends in mathematics and future trends in mathematics education / Peter Hilton (1984) -- Arithmetic in the elementary school curriculum / Ernest Horn (1951) -- Origins of school mathematics in early nineteenth-century Germany / Hans N. Jahnke (1983) -- Elite knowledge for the masses: the origins and spread of mathematics and science education in national curricula / David H. Kamens and Aaron Benavot (1991) -- Number systems / John L. Kelley (1970) -- The ancients versus the moderns: a new battle of the books / Morris Kline (1958) -- The elementary school mathematics curriculum: issues for today / Mary M. Lindquist (1984) -- The foundations of mathematics / Eliakim H. Moore (1903) -- Geometry and measurement / H. Stewart Moredock (1970) -- Overview and analysis of school mathematics, K-12 / National Advisory Committee on Mathematical Education (1975) -- The reorganization of mathematics in secondary education / National Committee on Mathematical Requirements (1923) -- The place of mathematics in secondary education: report of the Joint Commission of the Mathematical Association of America and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics / National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1940) -- An agenda for action: recommendations for school mathematics of the 1980s / National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1980) -- excerpts from Curriculum and evaluation standards for school mathematics / National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1989) -- The secondary mathematics curriculum / National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Secondary-School Curriculum Committee (1959) -- Mathematics / National Education Association (1894) -- The mathematical sciences curriculum K-12: what is still fundamental and what is not / Henry O. Pollak (1983) -- A curriculum out of balance: the case of elementary school mathematics / Andrew Porter (1989) -- The Nuffield mathematics project / David Rappaport (1971) -- General mathematics for the high school: its purpose and content / William D. Reeve (1920) -- Intention, implementation, realization: case studies of the impact of curriculum reform / David F. Robitaille (1980) -- A common curriculum for mathematics / Thomas. A. Romberg (1983) -- School mathematics: options for the 1990s: chairman's report of a conference / Thomas. A. Romberg (1984) -- Problematic features of the school mathematics curriculum / Thomas. A. Romberg (1992) -- Basic mathematical skills: some philosophical and practical remarks / Israel Scheffler (1975) -- A call for reform in high school mathematics / Carl N. Shuster (1948) -- What should be emphasized and what omitted in the high-school course in algebra? / Herbert E. Slaught (1908) -- A general survey of the progress of mathematics in our high schools in the last twenty-five years / David. E. Smith (1926) -- The growing crisis in mathematics education in the early twentieth century / George. M.A. Stanic (1986) -- Historical perspective on problem solving in the mathematics curriculum / George M.A. Stanic and Jeremy Kilpatrick (1988) -- Mathematics curriculum reform in the United States: a historical perspective / George M.A. Stanic and Jeremy Kilpatrick (1992) -- Mathematics curriculum design: a constructivist's perspective / Leslie. P. Steffe (1990) -- The constitution of arithmetical abilities / Edward L. Thorndike (1922) -- We need another revolution in school mathematics / Zalman Usiskin (1985) -- A synthesis of national reports on changes in curricula / Frederik van der Blij, Sven Hilding, and Ari I. Weinzweig (1980) -- The arithmetic curriculum / Roscoe L. West, Charles E. Greene, and William A. Brownell (1930) -- Change and stability in the curriculum: an overview of the questions / Ian Westbury (1980) -- Mathematization matters / David Wheeler (1982) -- Knowledge at the crossroads / David Wheeler (1993) -- Historical background of innovations in mathematics curricula / R.L. Wilder (1970) -- A progress report on the implementation of the recommendations of the commission on mathematics / S. Irene Williams (1970) -- A generative model of mathematics learning / Merl C. Wittrock (1974) -- The history and status of the school mathematics study group / William Wooton (1964).
"Mathematics curriculum has long been a topic of keen interest in mathematics education and remains a central issue in efforts to improve mathematics learning opportunities for students. This Yearbook continues in a long line of NCTM Yearbooks that have addressed various facets of the changing mathematics curriculum. Although some factors such as tradition can inhibit significant change, other factors such as policy (e.g., federal No Child Left Behind legislation), societal needs (mathematically literate graduates), and technological advances (computer software, calculators) foster and accelerate the need for change. In the past year alone, a major state-initiated process for developing 'common core standards' is underway. With 48 states and several territories participating in the articulation of 'college and career-ready' high school graduation expectations and common K-12 standards, 2010 promises to be a landmark year of discussion and dialogue about mathematics curriculum. This Yearbook reflects some of the many issues that the field is currently discussing so it serves as both a record of current advances and a summary of challenges regarding curriculum. We hope that it will both guide and stimulate thinking about where we have been, where we are, and where we need to go."--Publisher's description.
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