Digital humanities in the library : challenges and opportunities for subject specialists / editors Arianne Hartsell-Gundy, Laura Braunstein, and Liorah Golomb.
Digital humanities in the library : challenges and opportunities for subject specialists / editors Arianne Hartsell-Gundy, Laura Braunstein, and Liorah Golomb.
[Chicago] : Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 2015.
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Bibliography Note:
Includes bibliographical references.
Traversing the gap : subject specialists connecting humanities researchers and digital scholarship centers / Katie Gibson, Marcus Ladd, and Jenny Presnell -- Moderating a meaningful DH conversation for graduate students in the humanities / Kathleen A. Langan and Ilse Schweitzer VanDonkelaar -- Construction and disruption : building communities of practice, queering subject liaisons / Caro Pinto -- Distant reading, computational stylistics, and corpus linguistics : the critical theory of digital humanities for literature subject librarians / David D. Oberhelman -- Digital humanities curriculum support inside the library / Zoe Borovsky and Elizabeth McAulay -- A checklist for digital humanities scholarship / Elizabeth Lorang and Kathleen A. Johnson -- In practice and pedagogy : digital humanities in a small college environment / Christina Bell -- Digital humanities for the rest of us / Judy Walker -- Collaboration and co-teaching : librarians teaching digital humanities in the classroom / Brian Rosenblum, Fran Devlin, Tami Albin, and Wade Garrison -- Spaces, skills, and synthesis / Anu Vedantham and Dot Porter -- A digital adventure : from theory to practice / Valla McLean and Sean Atkins -- "And there was a large number of people" : the Occom Circle Project at the Dartmouth College Library / Laura R. Braunstein, Peter Carini, and Hazel-Dawn Dumpert -- Dipping a toe into the DH waters : a librarian's experience / Liorah Golomb -- Second time around, or, The long life of the Victorian Women Writers Project : sustainability through outreach / Angela Courtney and Michael Courtney.
In the past decade there has been an intense growth in the number of library publishing services supporting faculty and students. Unified by a commitment to both access and service, library publishing programs have grown from an early focus on backlist digitization to encompass publication of student works, textbooks, research data, as well as books and journals. This growing engagement with publishing is a natural extensions of the academic library's commitment to support the creation of and access to scholarship.
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